Committee Descriptions

ADVOCACY - (Chair: Martin & Michael) - To attend all city council and public meetings that pertain to preservation of significant structures, parks, statuary, bridges, tunnels, fountains, etc., in order to advance the mission of the SLHP. This would include but not be limited to Building Department, Planning Department, Planning Commission, Design Review Commission, proposed demolitions, restorations, remodels, new construction, etc.  

ARCHIVES - (Chair: Michael & Beth) - Filing, distributing, indexing materials for research and education.  

AWARDS - (Chair: Open) To research people and organizations worthy of a preservation citation. To be presented at least every other year.  

COMMUNICATIONS - (Chair: Robert) - Transmit letters, emails, phone calls in the actions of normal business dealings. Send regular e- blasts/posts to the membership. To assist in writing and mailing of postcards, fliers, promotional materials.  

DISASTER RECOVERY - (Chair: Martin, Beth, Gerard) - Update procedures as needed. Compile a phone tree. Load tubs with books, records, valuables, photos, etc. Rent truck. Print procedures for each board member and to keep at the MH.  

DOCENTS- (Chair: Open) Obtain and train volunteers to show the MH to the public.

EVENTS - (Chair: Tracy + 2 or 3 regular helpers) - Plan garden parties, holiday fund-raising, wine and cheese get togethers, lectures, tours, movies, etc. in order to retain and obtain new members and $$$.  

FUND RAISING - (Chair: Open) Create fund-raising ideas and events. Network with other non-profits and organizations.  

GRANT WRITING - (Chair: Open) To research, apply for and write grants.

MEMBERSHIP/RECRUITMENT - (Chair: TBD. Currently, Robert and all) - Maintains the membership roster on the website. Must create and maintain a phone tree to activate for events, emergencies, etc. The phone tree list shall be distributed to all committees.  

PHONE TREE - (Chair: Open) Divide the phone list, assign captains, and write scripts when necessary.

PRESERVATION PROJECTS - (Chair: Michael) - Identify awards recipients that advance to mission of the SLHP, identify significant properties, write short essays for newsletters and newspapers.  

SOCIAL MEDIA- (Chair: Open) To post and respond on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. Postings will promote and advance the SLHP mission statement.

WEBSITE MANAGEMENT/IT - (Chair: Open. Currently Gerard.) To perform as webmaster, update, instruct and repair WildApricot and other systems in use by the League.