Make a Donation

The League is sustained by membership dues, grants and donations, and periodic rentals of Maysonnave House and Garden. The League welcomes donations toward the achievement of its Mission.

Because the League is a Sec. 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation, donations to it may be tax deductible.

Donations can be made via the “Donate Now” button below, or with a check payable to the Sonoma League for Historic Preservation and mailed to P. O. Box 766, Sonoma, CA 95476.

The Sonoma League for Historic Preservation is a tax-exempt 501c(3) public benefit non-profit organization.  The Sonoma League's Federal Tax ID # is 23-7358957.  All contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.  All 'designated' donations that are not spent at the end of the year of donation will be used to fund all Sonoma League programs.  Donation receipts are sent within a week via email.  A complete summary of all donations will be acknowledged via email by January 31st of the following year. 

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